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Please note that this definition of Dowsing has been taken from information provided by third parties and healers.co.uk does not endorse any statements that may be given, nor recommend any services offered. Additionally the definition or opinions provided below may differ from those which may be given by some practitioners. This information should therefore be considered as general guidance only, and you should always consult professional advice if you are in any way concerned about your health.


What is Dowsing ?

'Dowsing is the ability, latent in everyone, to discover things beyond the range of our normal five senses. Practice and use of the art in its many forms can open doorways to wider perceptions in all our experiences' (Hamish Miller).

To dowse is to search, with the aid of simple hand held tools or instruments, for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for a great number of artefacts and entities. It is most commonly known by most people in association with searching for underground water; not surprising considering the absolute need for water by man and his animals and cultivated plants which sustain him.

What is less readily known is that dowsing can be also used for searching for other underground features such as archaeological remains, cavities and tunnels, oil, veins of mineral ore, underground building services, missing items and occasionally missing persons.

Although no thorough scientific explanations for dowsing has yet been found it is frequently acknowledged that there is some correlation between the dowsing reaction and changes in magnetic flux when dowsing on site.

What is more difficult for the newcomer to accept is that dowsing can be carried out at a distance and, moreover, the distance itself has no bearing on the results; dowsing can be carried out for something in the next room or the next continent. This is of immense practical use for site dowsers who save themselves and their clients valuable time by initially, at least, dowsing at a distance to seek the direction of the nearest source, for example, or actually dowsing over a map of an area to determine more precisely the target of the search.

This particular faculty is frequently used by those practitioners using dowsing in the area of health when they are able to dowse for causative factors and suitable remedies at a distance from the patient, employing a sample or witness of the person, for example, on which to focus their attention.


The British Society of Dowsers : www.britishdowsers.org

Acknowledgements :
Hamish Miller : hamishmiller.co.uk
The British Society of Dowsers : www.britishdowsers.org

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